Two-Way Stayman/Double-Barrelled Stayman

2C in response to 1NT has the same meaning as in Stayman, except that it permits the partnership to distinguish between forcing and non-forcing hands. 2C is used for invitational hands, 2D while in response to 1NT is forcing to game:

Opener responds to 2C as follows:

(a) 2D -- no four card major
(b) 2H -- four hearts
(c) 2S -- four spades

Responder's rebids are non-forcing. Bids at the two-level are sign-offs. E.g.,

1NT Pass 2C Pass
2D Pass 2H

2H probably shows 5 hearts and four spades (otherwise could have bid hearts directly earlier).

1NT Pass 2C Pass
2D Pass 3S Pass

Probably showing five spades and four hearts. Invites to game, but is non-forcing.

If responder bids 2S after opener responds 2H, this is a very mild game try. Responder may or may not have hearts, but does not have a hand strong enogh to jump to 3S. Responder probably has values concentrated in spades.

Opener responds to the 2D bid as follows:

(a) 2H -- four hearts
(b) 2S -- four spades
(c) 2NT -- no four card major.
(d) 3C -- no four card major, 5+ clubs
(e) 3D -- no four card major, 5+ diamonds
(f) 3H -- if the partnership is permitted to open a five card major, this would show 5 hearts
(g) 3S -- if the parntership is permitted to open a five card major, this would show 5 spades
(h)3NT shows 4-3-3-3 shape (four card suit being a minor).